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Flooring Guide > Care For Your Floors

Care & Cleaning

Proper cleaning and maintenance will add years to your floor. From simple tips to smart cleaning solutions, learn how to care for your new floor. A quick response to accidents will improve your clean-up results, so keep our recommended solutions on hand for the occasional spill.

Remember, appropriate care and cleaning will protect the investment you've made in your home. And don't forget to use our stain removal guide for life's little accidents.

General Tips to Keep Your Flooring in Great Shape

Your floor will give you so much satisfaction in the years to come, but only if you keep it in great shape. Here are a few tips - common-sense precautions that will make your relationship with any flooring a long and happy one.

Keep Doormats at Every Door

Use quality doormats outside each entrance to your home to prevent dirt, sand, grit and other substances such as oil, asphalt and driveway sealer from being tracked onto your floor. To minimize potential staining from asphalt tracking, we suggest you use a latex-based driveway sealer.

Take Special Precautions When Moving Heavy Objects

Use a dolly with wide-base air tires when moving heavy appliances or furniture. But first, put down a clean sheet of quarter-inch plywood, masonite, or similar hardboard, to protect the floor. Never try to slide or roll heavy objects across the floor without adequate protection. Some objects may be too heavy to be moved across a hard surface floor under any circumstances.

Close Curtains or Blinds

Close your curtains or blinds where extreme sunlight hits the floor. A combination of heat and sunlight causes most solid surface flooring to fade or discolor.

Support Furniture with Floor Protectors

For increased crush and dent resistance, support furniture with wide-bearing, non-staining floor protectors or wide-bearing leg bases/rollers. As a general rule of thumb, the tadalafil heavier the item, the wider the floor protector should be. Protectors should be at least one inch in diameter, made of non-pigmented, hard plastic and rest flat on the floor. Non-staining felt protectors are acceptable. Barrel-type casters with a minimum 3/4" flat surface width or flat glides are best for moveable furniture. If you choose to use metal protectors, make sure they are rustproof. Replace your narrow-dome furniture rests with wide-bearing ones.

Routinely Clean Your Floor

Routine care and maintenance are essential to maximizing the beauty and life of your flooring. Over time, normal foot traffic and soiling will cause a change in the flooring's appearance. For hard surfaces, vacuum (without a beater-bar), dust mop or sweep the floor on a daily or weekly basis to minimize abrasive grit and dirt. In very sandy areas or at the beach, you may want to vacuum or sweep more frequently. When using a liquid cleaner, be sure to dry it or rinse it thoroughly to avoid a film. Read and follow the manufacturer's directions for care, cleaning and recommended products. Caution: Hard surface floors can be slippery when wet. Use extreme caution when walking on a wet floor.

Blot Up Spills and Spots Immediately

The best cure for a spill is a fast response. Blot and clean spills and spots immediately to prevent staining. Begin at the outer edge and work toward the center to prevent the spill from spreading. Caution: Hard surface floors can be slippery when wet. Use extreme caution when walking prednisone on a wet floor.

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